On November 1 – 3, 2019 people interested in how the world of construction, concrete and real estate is changing to meet the challenges of consumer demand, the environment and advances in materials and methods will gather for a unique experience in the hills of Tennessee. This conference / workshop will be like no other and will feature a beautiful outdoor setting, a camp environment and experience for attendees. All who attend will be well fed – both mentally, physically and spiritually.

This first gathering will be open to the public but is primarily intended to gather a team of people who will form a steering committee of leaders from industry, academia, and creative fields. We will run a workshop with presentations, lectures and hands-on workshops that will be a preview of a larger event scheduled for Fall 2020. Participants in the 2019 workshop will experience something truly special and will be in a position to have a big impact on the direction of iCCRE and the 2020 conference. All iCCRE events are for “producers” not moochers, not free loaders, not on-lookers. To participate, you must contribute something of value to the other participants in advance or during the event.

There is a chance that the event will get rescheduled due to weather or other natural disasters. If that happens, there will be NO refunds in the event the workshop is rescheduled. Even participants in a work day will not receive a refund. Why? The registration fee refund “scheme” plays TWO important incentive functions – first to encourage people to “produce” before or during the event. That can be money (your fee) or some service of value to the group. Second, is to encourage you to show up at the event. Refunds will be give only to those who ATTEND. So, you will need to attend a future event/workshop. Furthermore, if the money is that big of a deal to you then you may want to reconsider your participation and go waste it somewhere. None of the people who have spent literally years and months preparing for the workshops gets any kind of refund! Hopefully these workshops and events can even turn a PROFIT at some point in the future.

This site is a work in progress and we encourage you to contact our Executive Director, Philip Seagraves at Middle Tennessee State University.

I’m excited to attend iccreCON 2019 because I really want to connect with other people who want to expand their knowledge of tomorrow’s technology. Plus, it’s just going to be a good time outside, learning and getting our hands dirty.

Gianni Scramuzza

Contact Dr. Seagraves now to reserve your spot for iccreCON 2019

Connections between industry and academia are critical as both are working to understand and shape the future of how humans use space to live, work, and play. Getting great minds together to solve problems and innovate new solutions in an environment that can inspire the mind is much needed.

Heather Brown, PhD, Chair College of Construction and Concrete Management, Middle Tennessee State University

To contact the team, please email workshop@iccrecon.org

Please contact us at workshop@iccrecon.org

Schedule – Subject to Change (a lot)




November 20, 2017 – October 31, 2019 Work Days

Schedule an optional Work Day

November 1, Friday

12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30 -3:30 Welcome and Introductions
3:30 – 4:30 Kevin Babcock, Union Corrugating, DIY Tiny Home Wall Build
4:30 – 5:30 Jack Miller, The Retreat, Luxury Tiny Homes
6:00 – 9:00 Dinner and Campfire Fun

Dress warm!

Lunch will be a self-serve spread to make a wrap or sandwich.

Bring your musical instrument

November 2, Saturday

7:00 – 8:00 Breakfast
8:00 – 9:00 Heather Brown, MTSU, New Methods and Materials
9:00 10:00 David Mook, Centergy, Project Mgmt
10:00 – 12:00 John Hurt, ZipTieDomes, Dome Presentation and Build
12:00 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 – 2:30 Katie Poss, Turner, Light Concrete – Hemp, Paper, and more!
3:30 – 5:30  Gianni Scramuzza, Aircrete Blocks and Dome Building
6:00 – 9:00 Dinner and Campfire Fun

Breakfast will include healthy options from fruits, oatmeal and custom smoothies. Lunch will be a self-serve spread to make a wrap or sandwich.

Dinner will be a special creation by Nottely, trained in Dijon, France

Bring your musical instrument

November 3, Sunday 7:00 – 8:00 Breakfast
8:00 – 9:00 Philip Seagraves, MTSU, Shipping Containers : Good, Bad, Ugly?
9:00 10:00 Heather Brown, MTSU, Technological Innovation in Construction
10:00 – 12:00 Kevin Babcock, Union Corrugating, Container Makeover
12:00 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 – 5:30 After Party, Cleanup, Property Tours, Hiking

Breakfast will include healthy options from fruits, oatmeal and custom smoothies. Lunch will be a self-serve spread to make a wrap or sandwich. Bring some “cold ones” if you’d like to partake after the workshop ends.